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         Pascal Blaise:     more books (102)
  1. Pensees (Thoughts) (Dover Philosophical Classics) by Blaise Pascal, 2003-11-19
  2. ?uvres de Blaise Pascal: Tome 4 (French Edition) by Blaise Pascal, 2001-01-16
  3. Pensées de Pascal: Publiées dans leur texte authentique avec un commentaire suivi par Ernest Havet (French Edition) by Blaise Pascal, 2001-03-16
  4. Les Lettres Provinciales De Blaise Pascal (French Edition) by Blaise Pascal, 2010-02-14
  5. The Provincial Letters; Pensees; Scientific Treatises (Volumn 33, The Great Books of the Western World, Britannica Series) by Blaise Pascal, 1984
  6. Pensées De Blaise Pascal, Volume 1 (French Edition) by Blaise Pascal, 2010-01-10
  7. Pensees De Blaise Pascal, Suivies Des Lettres Ecrites A Un Provincial (1836) (French Edition) by D'Abel Ledoux Publisher, 2010-09-10
  8. Études sur Blaise Pascal by A. Vinet, 2009-11-04
  9. Eloge de Blaise Pascal: Accompagné de Notes Historiques et Critiques. (French Edition) by George Marie Raymond, 2009-04-27
  10. Selections from Pascal by Blaise Pascal, F M. 1859-1931 Warren, 2010-08-29
  11. Les Pensées De Blaise Pascal, Volume 1 (French Edition) by Blaise Pascal, Auguste Molinier, 2010-03-09
  12. Aflame with love: Selections from the writings of Blaise Pascal by Blaise Pascal, 1992

41. Paginatitel
Gedachten over de godsdienst.
Blaise Pascal (1623 - 1662)
Frans wiskundig genie,
natuurkundige, polemist,
wijsgeer en apologeet.
Pascal is een christelijk denker en schrijver wiens grote aantrekkingskracht vooral ligt in zijn religieuze persoonlijkheid. Daarbij komt dat hij de gave bezat zijn religieus beleven zo direct uit te leggen dat ook wij nu nog bij het lezen worden ontroerd. Pascal is door deze existentiële houding actueel in onze tijd.
Gedachten over de godsdienst. Een verkorte populaire bewerking door Sipke van der Land uit meer dan duizend gedachten van de 17 e eeuwse Franse schrijver / filosoof / wiskundige.
Van Blaise Pascal is verschenen het boek in de Nederlandse taal "Gedachten" (vertaald uit het Frans van Pensées) in de uitgave van Uitgever Boom (Amsterdam), 1997.
De vader van Blaise Pascal, hoofd van het gerechtshof in Clermont-Ferrand, gaf zijn post op om zijn kinderen een betere opvoeding te gunnen en vestigde zich in Parijs. Hij was zelf een groot wiskundige en zag tot zijn genoegen dat de jonge Blaise zich in snel tempo op alle gebieden van de exacte wetenschap ontwikkelde; hij verwachtte niet ten onrechte dat zijn zoon hem op het terrein van de wiskunde, maar ook op dat van de filosofie, verre zou overtreffen. Een ongeluk dat de vader overkwam, leidde tot het contact van het hele gezin met het jansenisme (al ging Blaise Pascal daartoe pas later over): twee edellieden lieten hem en al de andere familieleden de geschriften van de godgeleerde Jansenius, Arnauld en de belangrijke theoretici van deze beweging lezen.

42. Centre National D'Evaluation De Photoprotection, Université Blaise Pascal, Cler
Centre de recherche sur le vieillissement des mat©riaux organiques. Pr©sentation, activit©, ©quipement, formation et publications. Universit© blaise pascal, ClermontFerrand
Le cnep est le centre de valorisation des resultats de la recherche fondamentale sur les vieillissements des materiaux organiques : materiaux polymeres, photochimie cnep ubp, cnep, professeur lemaire, photoprotection, photo protection, photovieillissement, photo vieillissement, vieillissement climatique, thermovieillissement, vieillissement hydrolytique, evaluation photoprotection, vieillissements materiaux organiques, materiaux polymeres, photochimie, comportement materiaux organiques, restauration oeuvres art, conservation preventive oeuvres art, microspectrophotometrie, spectrophotometrie diffusion moleculaire, microspectrofluorimetrie, ecole nationale superieure chimie, clermont ferrand 2, universite blaise pascal, universite clermont ferrand, sepap, photodegradable Le cnep est le centre de valorisation des resultats de la recherche fondamentale sur les vieillissements des materiaux organiques : materiaux polymeres, photochimie cnep ubp, cnep, professeur lemaire, photoprotection, photo protection, photovieillissement, photo vieillissement, vieillissement climatique, thermovieillissement, vieillissement hydrolytique, evaluation photoprotection, vieillissements materiaux organiques, materiaux polymeres, photochimie, comportement materiaux organiques, restauration oeuvres art, conservation preventive oeuvres art, microspectrophotometrie, spectrophotometrie diffusion moleculaire, microspectrofluorimetrie, ecole nationale superieure chimie, clermont ferrand 2, universite blaise pascal, universite clermont ferrand, sepap, photodegradable

43. Pensees By Blaise Pascal
1670 PENSEES. by blaise pascal translated by WF Trotter. Search thePensees. TABLE OF CONTENTS. SECTION I THOUGHTS ON MIND AND ON STYLE.

by Blaise Pascal
translated by W. F. Trotter
Search the Pensees
Philosophers of the 17th and 18th century

44. Augustonemetum BDE Lettres Classiques
Proverbes et citations, dossiers sur les recettes de cuisine romaine, le temps   Rome, la mythologie. Textes num©ris©s classiques accompagn©s d'©l©ments biographiques et bibliographiques. Par l'Universit© blaise pascal de ClermontFerrand.

45. Blaise Pascal At Erratic Impact's Philosophy Research Base
blaise pascal at Erratic Impact's Philosophy Research Base. AITLC Guide for blaisepascal. From the Access Indiana Teaching and Learning Center. site Includes

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... Mind on Fire : A Faith for the Skeptical and Indifferent by Blaise Pascal , James M. Houston (Editor), OS Guinness (Introduction) Christianity for Modern Pagans : Pascal's Pensees by Peter Kreeft
Blaise Pascal
Texts: Blaise Pascal Texts: Pensees Used Books: Blaise Pascal ...
Pascal Biography
Site maintained by Ireland's Trinity College features a biography of the famous French mathematician. From `A Short Account of the History of Mathematics' (4th edition, 1908) by W. W. Rouse Ball. Excerpt: Among the contemporaries of Descartes none displayed greater natural genius than Pascal, but his mathematical reputation rests more on what he might have done than on what he actually effected, as during a considerable part of his life he deemed it his duty to devote his whole time to religious exercises. Blaise Pascal Elements , a book which Pascal read with avidity and soon mastered.

46. Laboratoire De Mathématiques Pures
Recherche en th©orie des nombres, en analyse fonctionnelle, en topologie. Edite les annales math©matiques blaise pascal. Universit© de ClermontFerrand, CNRS - EA 986.
L aboratoire de M P ures
(E. A. 986) L'annuaire du laboratoire Journées Clermont-Ferrand/Lyon
"Groupoïdes et Applications"
5 et 6 juin 2003 Directeur : Jean-Yves Le Dimet
Marie-Paule Bressoulaly
Adresse :
Fax :

47. Maison De La Recherche En Lettres, Langues Et Sciences Humaines De Clermont-Ferr
UFR LLSH Pr©sentation des colloques, laboratoires et presses de cette entit© de l'universit© blaise pascal de Clermont-Ferrand.
English Español
4 rue Ledru
63057 Clermont-Ferrand Cedex 1 FRANCE
Tél. (33) Fax (33)
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48. Blaise Pascal, 1623-1662
Brief biography with excerpts from pascal's writings.
Blaise Pascal, 1623-1662
We run carelessly to the precipice, after we have put some thing before us to prevent us seeing it. The French mathematician, theologian, physicist and man-of-letters, Blaise Pascal, was born June 19 at Clermont-Ferrand, the son of the local president of the court of exchequer. Pascal's mother died in 1630 and the family moved to Paris, where his father, a prominent mathematician, personally undertook his children's education. Unlike the famous education of John Stuart Mill, the young Pascal was not allowed to begin a subject until his father thought he could easily master it. Consequently it was discovered that the eleven year old boy had worked out for himself in secret the first twenty-three propositions of Euclid, calling straight lines "bars" and circles "rounds." At sixteen he published a paper on solid geometry which Descartes refused refused to believe was the handiwork of a youth. Father an son collaborated in experiments to confirm Torricelli's theory, unpalatable the the Schoolmen, that nature does, after all, not abhor a vacuum. These experiments, carried out by Pascal's brother-in-law, Florin Périer, consisted in carrying up the Puy de Dôme two glass tubes containing mercury, inverted in a bath of mercury and noting the fall of the mercury columns with increased altitude. Again, Descartes disbelieved the principle, which Pascal fully described in three papers on the void published in 1647, when he also patented a calculating machine, later simplified by Leibniz, which he had built to assist his father in his accounts. Pascal was also led to invent the barometer, the hydraulic press and the syringe.

49. Pascal, Blaise
pascal, blaise. The French thinker, mathematician, and scientist blaisepascal, b. June 19, 1623, d. Aug. 19, 1662, has been credited
Pascal, Blaise
At the end of 1654, after several months of intense depression, Pascal had a religious experience that altered his life. He entered the Jansenist monastery at Port-Royal, although he did not take orders. He never published in his own name again. The Jansenists encouraged him in his mathematical studies, which he resumed. To assist them in their struggles against the Jesuits, he wrote, under a pseudonym, a defense of the famous Jansenist Antoine Arnauld, in the form of 18 epistles. Known as Lettres provinciales, they were likely responsible for the subsequent reputation of the Jesuits as hypocritical and casuistic. In 1658 he broke with the Jansenists and left the monastery. He continued mathematical study and worked on calculus and on probability theory with Pierre de Fermat. Pascal died at the age of 39 in intense pain after a malignant growth in his stomach spread to the brain. His most famous work is the Pensees (Thoughts), a set of deeply personal meditations in somewhat fragmented form on human suffering and faith in God. "Pascal's wager" expresses the conviction that belief in God is rational: if God does not exist, one stands to lose nothing by believing in him anyway, while if he does exist, one stands to lose everything by not believing. Author: Catherine Wilson
Bibliography: Bishop, Morris, Pascal, the Life of Genius (1936; repr. 1968); Broome, Jack Howard, Pascal (1966); Conway, Richard, A Primer on Pascal (1976); Davidson, Hugh M., Blaise Pascal (1983); Fletcher, Frank Thomas Herbert, Pascal and the Mystical Tradition (1954); Hazelton, Roger, Blaise Pascal: The Genius of His Thought (1975); Mesnard, Jean, Pascal, trans. by Claude and Marcia Abraham (1969); Nelson, Robert J., Pascal (1982); Stewart, Hugh F., Blaise Pascal (1942; repr. 1977) and The Secret of Pascal (1941).

50. Observatoire De Physique Du Globe De Clermont-Ferrand
OPGC Laboratoires h©berg©s, th¨mes de recherche, enseignement et organisation du r©seau sismologique d'Auvergne. Affiliation Universit© blaise pascal de Clermont-Ferrand, France.


"La collection minéralogique du LMV"

51. Paginatitel
Gedachten over de godsdienst.Category World Nederlands Christendom Theologie Theologen......blaise pascal (1623 1662) Frans wiskundig genie, natuurkundige, polemist,wijsgeer en apologeet. pascal is een christelijk denker
Blaise Pascal (1623 - 1662)
Frans wiskundig genie,
natuurkundige, polemist,
wijsgeer en apologeet.
Pascal is een christelijk denker en schrijver wiens grote aantrekkingskracht vooral ligt in zijn religieuze persoonlijkheid. Daarbij komt dat hij de gave bezat zijn religieus beleven zo direct uit te leggen dat ook wij nu nog bij het lezen worden ontroerd. Pascal is door deze existentiële houding actueel in onze tijd.
Gedachten over de godsdienst. Een verkorte populaire bewerking door Sipke van der Land uit meer dan duizend gedachten van de 17 e eeuwse Franse schrijver / filosoof / wiskundige.
Van Blaise Pascal is verschenen het boek in de Nederlandse taal "Gedachten" (vertaald uit het Frans van Pensées) in de uitgave van Uitgever Boom (Amsterdam), 1997.
De vader van Blaise Pascal, hoofd van het gerechtshof in Clermont-Ferrand, gaf zijn post op om zijn kinderen een betere opvoeding te gunnen en vestigde zich in Parijs. Hij was zelf een groot wiskundige en zag tot zijn genoegen dat de jonge Blaise zich in snel tempo op alle gebieden van de exacte wetenschap ontwikkelde; hij verwachtte niet ten onrechte dat zijn zoon hem op het terrein van de wiskunde, maar ook op dat van de filosofie, verre zou overtreffen. Een ongeluk dat de vader overkwam, leidde tot het contact van het hele gezin met het jansenisme (al ging Blaise Pascal daartoe pas later over): twee edellieden lieten hem en al de andere familieleden de geschriften van de godgeleerde Jansenius, Arnauld en de belangrijke theoretici van deze beweging lezen.

52. MSN Learning & Research - System Difficulties
Encyclopedia article provides a summary of pascal's life and work.

53. Inventor Blaise Pascal
Fascinating facts about blaise pascal inventor of the mechanical adding machinein 1642. back to HOME HISTORY INVENTOR PROFILE blaise pascal,

54. Blaise Pascal
The fifth chapter of the learning module by Richard Hooker about the second major thinker of the early Enlightenment.
Enlightenment Reader John Milton
Paradise Lost Book V

Christianity Glossary Typology Blaise Pascal
, a mathematician and sometime theologian. The universe in the seventeenth century had expanded beyond human imagination. The century before introduced Europe to an entirely new continent, filled with a people no one had ever heard of before, who had a history spanning centuries, a history that would forever remain a mystery to the Europeans. They looked at fallen cities in Meso-America and gazed on stone stelae and books filled with a mysterious and indecipherable language and realized a wealth of human history lay beyond their grasp. The invention of the telescope multiplied worlds upon worlds: the moon, which had always been regarded as a kind of atmosphere, was in fact terrestrial, with mountains and plains. The planet Jupiter was itself surrounded by planets, little earths that did not orbit our larger earth. If all these neighbors were terrestrial, what might the stars themselves have orbiting about them? For the first time in human history, people began to speculate about the possibility of other forms of life, particularly human life, living on other earths orbiting other suns (Milton, in Paradise Lost , implies that this is a possibility).

55. Blaise Pascal
the learning module, The European Enlightenment, by Richard Hooker, is a shortdiscussion of the main outlines of the thought of blaise pascal, the second
Enlightenment Reader John Milton
Paradise Lost Book V

Christianity Glossary Typology Blaise Pascal
, a mathematician and sometime theologian. The universe in the seventeenth century had expanded beyond human imagination. The century before introduced Europe to an entirely new continent, filled with a people no one had ever heard of before, who had a history spanning centuries, a history that would forever remain a mystery to the Europeans. They looked at fallen cities in Meso-America and gazed on stone stelae and books filled with a mysterious and indecipherable language and realized a wealth of human history lay beyond their grasp. The invention of the telescope multiplied worlds upon worlds: the moon, which had always been regarded as a kind of atmosphere, was in fact terrestrial, with mountains and plains. The planet Jupiter was itself surrounded by planets, little earths that did not orbit our larger earth. If all these neighbors were terrestrial, what might the stars themselves have orbiting about them? For the first time in human history, people began to speculate about the possibility of other forms of life, particularly human life, living on other earths orbiting other suns (Milton, in Paradise Lost , implies that this is a possibility).

56. Philosophical Dictionary: Pascal-Phenomenon
pascal, blaise (16231662) French mathematician and theologian. A memberof the community at Port-Royal, pascal in the Lettres provinciales
F A Q Dictionary ... Locke
Pascal, Blaise
French mathematician and theologian. A member of the community at Port-Royal , Pascal in the Lettres provinciales Provincial Letters ) (1657) defended his Jansenist friends against the persecution of the Jesuits. In Thoughts at or from eBooks fideistic approach to religion, according to which " ." ("The heart has its reasons that reason does not know at all.") Pascal's work with Fermat on the nature of probability presaged the development of modern decision theory, on the basis of which he argued that belief in god, although not rational, is a clever wager Recommended Reading: Ben Rogers, Pascal at Blaise Pascal's Quest for the Ineffable at God Owes Us Nothing: A Brief Remark on Pascal's Religion and on the Spirit of Jansenism at Portraits of Thought: Knowledge, Methods, and Styles in Pascal at Also see SEP OCP Stephen T. Davis virtuSens ... noesis , and MacE
Literally, "rule by the father;" hence, any social or political system that grants privileged status to males and permits or encourages their domination of females. Most Western cultures have been, and continue to be, patriarchal in this sense. Recommended Reading: Sandra Lee Bartky

57. Encyclopædia Britannica
pascal, blaise Encyclopædia Britannica Article. MLA style pascal, blaise. Encyclopædia Britannica 2003 Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service.

58. ThinkQuest Library Of Entries
pascal, blaise(16231662). pascal was born in the French province of Auvergnein 1623 and very early showed phe nomenal ability in mathematics.
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Mathematics History
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A ThinkQuest Internet Challenge 1998 Entry
Click image for the Site Languages : Site Desciption An extensive history of mathematics is at your fingertips, from Babylonian cuneiforms to advances in Egyptian geometry, from Mayan numbers to contemporary theories of axiomatical mathematics. You will find it all here. Biographical information about a number of important mathematicians is included at this excellent site.
Students Hyun-jin Jae-yun Hwang(Seoul Yo Sang)
Korea, South Kyung-sun Jae-yun Hwang(Seoul Yo Sang)
Korea, South So-young Jae-yun Hwang(Seoul Yo Sang)
Korea, South

59. Bpascal
Úvodní stránka. blaise pascal Byl to francouzký fyzik, matematik,fylozof a teolog. Narodil se 19. cervence roku 1623 v Clermont
Èlen systému - reklama na Internetu zdarma Úvodní stránka Blaise Pascal:
V matematice objevil po nìm nazvaný trojúhelník kombinaèních èísel(tabulka, jejichž øádky tvoøí kombinaèní èísla). Roku 1654 se uchílil do klášteru Port-Royal.Na obranu jasenitských pøátel ve sporu s jezuity napsal listy venkovanovi. Nejvýznamnìjší dílo, Obranu køesanského náboženství však už nestaèil dokonèit.Pascal byl velice vìøící køesan a filozof. Podle jeho názoru nemùžeme rozum ovlivòovat vírou.
Pascalovi spisy:
Vìdecká pojednání:
Rozprava o kuželoseèkách
Pojednání o prázdnotì
Rozprava o cykloidì
Náboženské a fylozofické spisy:
Rozprava o vášních milostných
Spisky o milosti Obrana køesanského náboženství (po jeho smrti vyšla pod názvem Myšlenky) Zpìt Jsi - tý návštìvník této stránky.

60. Quotez - Pascal, Blaise
Author Index pascal, blaise.
Pascal, Blaise
"If all men knew what others say of them, there would not be four friends in the world." "It is the fight alone that pleases us, not the victory." "Eloquence is a painting of the thoughts." "Nature has perfections, in order to show that she is the image of God; and defects, to show that she is only his image." "Justice without force is powerless; force without justice is tyrannical." "Vanity is so secure in the heart of man that everyone wants to be admired : even I who write this, and you who read this." "A trifle consoles us because a trifle distresses us." - Penseés "I lay it down as a fact that if all men knew what others say of them, there would not be four friends in the world." - Penseés "I have made this letter longer than usual, only because I have not had the time to make it shorter." - Provincial Letters Quotez - a selection of quotations
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