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74. The Convoluted Universe - Book
75. Songs of the Arcturians : The
76. Sedona: Journal of Emergence (February
77. The God Hypothesis: Extraterrestrial
78. Witnessed
79. Anatomía Del Cuerpo Humano Gris:
80. The Observational Traits of a


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74. The Convoluted Universe - Book Three
by Dolores Cannon
Kindle Edition: Pages (2008-08-26)
list price: US$9.99
Asin: B001ET7GWG
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Editorial Review

Product Description
Join us on a voyage through time and space into the world of the strange and unusual and unfathomable, as hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon’s Convoluted Universe series continues.Suspend belief as you explore worlds and dimensions where your dreams become reality and your reality is only a dream.Open your mind to a myriad of possibilities that have previously only dwelt in the imagination.More mind-bending concepts for those with open minds and eager curiosities.

* Other lives as animals, plants and in strange, otherworldly bodies.
* Everything is alive.Everything has consciousness.
* Help from beings of faraway worlds.
* The three waves of volunteers who are coming to help the world go through its transition.
* What is God?The true nature of God or the Source, where all come from and all must go back to.
* Lifetimes as Creators of universes, the Earth and everything on it.
* Different laws of creation and physics where universes obey other rules.
* The New Earth and the effects on our bodies as we move into it..
* Who will be left behind when the Earth moves into the next dimension.
* A totally new alternative to a walk-in.
* The Final Solution Energy that can destroy the world if it becomes necessary. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (18)

5-0 out of 5 stars Addicting material
This book snaps up your attention and won't let go until you finish the last page.And now I am hooked on reading Delores Cannon books.I have since read 3 more books written by her.I am planning on reading book one and two of the Convoluted Universe soon as well.Although I am disappointed its not offered on Kindle.This truly is a must read book if your at all into new age thinking and if not its worthy of soaking in what is said.

4-0 out of 5 stars Thank you Dolores!
I have been wanting this book for some time now and I finally have my wish. I love your work and respect you as an honest reporter of what you have learned through all your years of research. The book is the third in a series of very interesting Q and A that uncovers some fascinating information that seems to build upon my understanding of what has occurred and what is occurring on many different levels. I commend you for your patience and dedication to uncovering the "real" history of our world and beyond.

5-0 out of 5 stars Delores Cannons best book
I have learned so much from reading Delores Cannon's books, and enjoyed each one, but this book blew me away. I could not put it down. It expands your mind and prompts you think outside the box, even for someone like me who already thinks that way. Delores and her books are a gift to us. I highly recommend you read this book.

5-0 out of 5 stars Great Book!!
Still reading the book but it is great. I already read the previous Convoluted Universe books I & II. I am a huge fan. It is fascinating & enlightning. A book for those with an open mind. Highly recommended!

5-0 out of 5 stars Real - Science Fiction
I have had a really hard time putting down these books.I just finished the 3rd book and have to say, they will wake you up.It's interesting to note that the difference in spirit is not much different then human as far as advancement.You can ask many the same question and depending on their level of experience they'll give you a different answer to a degree.
I definately have to say that the things I read in these books are better then any science fiction I have ever heard of!
Well done Dolores!
... Read more

75. Songs of the Arcturians : The Arcturian Star Chronicles, Volume 1
by Patricia Pereira
Paperback: 238 Pages (1996)
list price: US$15.99 -- used & new: US$11.46
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1885223439
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Product Description
Patricia Pereira is a "consciously aware multidimensional telepath" who has been receiving messages from the Arcturian star since June 1987. At that time, she was telepathically contacted and requested to begin a series of galactically inspired manuscripts in essay form--with Songs of the Arcturians the first of those manuscripts. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (4)

5-0 out of 5 stars Philosophy mixed with New Earth evolutionary prophesy
In the glow of the fine poetic rhythms the previous reviewers missed mentioning the purpose of the book which is stated both in the title and the first paragraphs of the Statement of Purpose
"to announce our presence before humankind...
to acquaint you with the processes of planetary evolution...
to invite you to the stars...
to the experience of God's living presence as the focal point of your daily lives...
to guide you in unlocking and accessing the dormant functions of your minds."
In regards to point two:
"Earth is in the midst of an evolutionary event: the transposition of her material body to that of the essence of Spirit. Note well that the procedures and ramifications involved in the transformative process are manifesting galaxywide as well as within your planetary home.
Within this manuscript we will endeavor, as simply as possible, to refocus the priorities of your lives."

This is a prophetic message announcing the coming of the New Earth, the transformation of humans into a new fifth-dimensional species and the transformation of planetary consciousness as well.
"Humanity stands delicately poised before a vast precipice. Earth is about to enter the yawning portals of an energy window that is ready to lure it into the resonating hum of fifth-dimensional domains. We are attempting to entice humans to create a mass energy of common-based consciousness and to proceed to a state of Oneness in order to collectively merge with Planetary Mother as she takes her unprecedented step. We must also persuade humans to seriously consider putting to rest all activities that tamper with the rhythmic harmonies of the natural world."
Any potential reading audience should have this deeper appreciation of the book, regardless of how preachy the book may seem to some, there is good reason to take this seriously.

5-0 out of 5 stars The Message is More Important Than the Messenger
"Songs" is the first of four volumes the author channeled from beings of light from the 5th and 6th dimension, the Arcturians.They communicate telepathically, so language is a rather limiting means for getting their information across. The message is virtually identical to Eastern spiritual philosophies, other channeled beings like the Abraham group Seth, and mystics like Swedenborg.

These higher order beings comment on different aspects of earth, our society, energy, emotions, and animals to name a few.On the subject of love, the message is the spiritual Law of Attraction -love's energies emitted into the exterior world create like vibrations of love.Fear and negativity manifest fear and darkness.We have nothing to fear, especially death, since death is life.

An interesting note is their comments on the pyramids: they are markers for receiving and transmitting telepathic thought of precious records.In this medium, they cannot be destroyed.

Good book; good message.

5-0 out of 5 stars incredibly powerful and eloquent book
I'm on the last one of her four volume set. This is the first. They are all incredibly good. Perhaps the best books I've read in my life, and I've read roughly 25 books on Buddhism, Christianity, new age scientific, and spiritual subjects over the last 3-4 years. I've never read a four volume set of anything in my life.
In general each of her books is better than the previous, presumably because she is becoming a better "channel." The second book is notably better written than the first, but I wouldn't skip the first.
Its a very improbable story, her story. Regardless of whether you believe it, the eloquence of the prose and the spiritual message are incredibly powerful. To make a point, not intending to denigrate Patricia's previous proffession in any way, I will say, "you will eventually come to realize that it would be impossible for a medical transcriptionist in Boise to write these books."

5-0 out of 5 stars Beautiful, powerful, and spiritually uplifting.
Patricia Pereira has a lyricalwriting style that connects with the reader at the deepest levels.It is one of the most unique books that I have ever read.The English language is beautifully crafted to draw the reader deeply into realms of transcendent perception.There is something magic that occurs as one is immersed within the pages of this book.The message to the reader is very personal and intensely spiritual.Italso speaks of current events on Earth and the evolution of the Universe.Even if you dismiss the premise that this information originates from anascended galactic civilization, you will find the book intriguing and thought provoking.Just riding the waves of the innovative rhythmic writing style is worth it.I loved this book! ... Read more

76. Sedona: Journal of Emergence (February 2009) The Richness of Inner Life; Using Your New Chakra; The New Consciousness; As Above, So Below; Earth's Ascension; Working Through Earth's Shift; Grandfather: A Changing Economy in 2009. (Vol. 19, No. 2)
by Lee Carroll, Pepper Lewis, Miriandra Rota, Selacia, James Tyberonn, Kahu Fred Sterling, Ronna Herman, Alexis Cartwright, Robert Shapiro, Frankie Z Avery
Paperback: 112 Pages (2009)

Asin: B002A5DAHS
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Product Description
+ Provide a forum for those who wish to speak to us from other dimensions and realities.
+ Celebrate our emergence into multidimensionality and our reconnection to the rest of creation.
+ Bring information on the truth of our eternal nature-on the origin, ultimate purpose and future of the human race.
+ Remind ourselves that our light and our sense of humor will carry us through into the adventure of forever.
Almine, The Richness of Inner Life
Avery, Frankie Z: OMA, Using Your New Chakra
Carroll, Lee: Kryon, The Incredible Human Being
Cartwright, Alexis: Various, A Time of Healing and Enlightenment
Coates, Judith: Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus), The New Consciousness
DeVoe, Daniele: Various, Pathways to the Future
Herman, Ronna: Archangel Michael, Vibrations of Pure Love
Lewis, Pepper: Gaia, Making the Most of Your Spiritual Toolbox
Lowell, David Reid: Michel, Harmonize Your Thoughts and Desires
Miller, David K.: Various, As Above, So Below
Moore, Judith K. and Sean Sands: Masters of the Universe, The Forces of Creation and Earth's Ascension
Rafael, Athene: Lord Sananda, Working through Earth's Shift
Rota, Miriandra: Expanded Consciousness, The Power of Hope
Rother, Steve: The group, Falling in Love Using Deep Contact
Selacia: Council of 12, Taking a Quantum Leap
Shapiro, Robert: Grandfather, A Changing Economy in 2009!
Sterling, Kahn Fred: Kirael, Magical, Wise and Unconventional
Tyberonn, James: Alton Kamadon, Transform with the Platinum Ray
Ward, Alexandra McColm: Golden Arrow, Change Your Life
Watson, Maurene: New Ascended Masters, Mirrors of the Next Earth Phase
Baba, Dattatreya Siva, The Miraculous Power of Grace Light
Montanaro, Claire, Betwixt and Between Times
Moore, Tom T., Reach Out and Request a Helping Hand
... Read more

77. The God Hypothesis: Extraterrestrial Life and Its Implications for Science and Religion
by Joe, Ph.D. Lewels
Paperback: 348 Pages (1997-06)
list price: US$16.00
Isbn: 1893183122
Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars
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Product Description
provides us with a fresh new look at the UFO and alien abduction phenomena. Using startling case studies from his own investigation Dr. Lewels makes a strong case for a broader and deeper explanation for the UFO mystery than is commonly accepted by the major researchers. His conclusions about the role of the beings (known by the ancients variously as custodians watchers guardians gods angels or demons) in human affairs will shock and jostle the reader's perceptions about the true nature of reality. His interdisciplinary approach crosses all boundaries ... Read more

Customer Reviews (9)

5-0 out of 5 stars mindblowing
I bought this book in december 1997 and I immediately started reading it.
After several years I just felt the urge to re-read it.
Now, after some years of personal and spiritual growth, I find myself wondering if I can resist the temptation again.
I know I can not........
This book feels so right........
Thank you mr. Lewels........

5-0 out of 5 stars Rational, Compelling and Thought Provoking
God Hypothesis : Extraterrestrial Life and Its Implications for Science and Religion (New Millenium Library)

By Joe Lewels, Ph.D Publisher: Granite Publishing, LLC; 2nd ed edition (February 8, 2005)
ISBN: 0926524534
Review by Dr. Colette M. Dowell, N.D.

For the past decade there has been a wave of books published about UFO enigmas ranging from benevolent beings interacting with humans in order to help us save our home planet Earth, to hard evidence of spacecraft technology being drafted and engineered into our modern-day Star Wars program. Physical abduction of humans by extraterrestrials was among some of the scariest phenomena ever reported. Many serious and non-serious researchers of UFOs and other related paranormal topics have accounted for actual videos, photographs, possible alien artifacts and also first-hand verbal accounts by witnesses or experiencers of paranormal events. God Hypothesis is one book covering varied studies of ufology and independent researchers' views. The researchers' views are reported from their own personal niches in the field . Joe Lewels, Ph.D., offers an accounting of mainstream ufology along with his own personal interpretation of who or what is doing whatever, when, how and why. Where does the heritage of aliens and spacecraft begin? How long have human abductions been taking place and why?

Lewels considers himself a 'common' man--a man whose childhood was filled with devout Christian faith and common sociological thoughts and typical mainstream consciousness. His journalism occupation led him to a Ph.D. journalism program at University of Missouri and to a position as Editor of the Freedom of Information Digest and Reports. He thought he had a really healthy, normal life, but something lurked in the back of his mind haunting him. Previously, while on an Army flight mission in 1969, somewhere in Alabama, Joe and his companion Army Colonel Bob Jones, both witnessed a glowing orange ball of light hovering at high altitude ahead of them. This was a night for Joe to ponder for many years, for what he saw was an unidentified flying object.

It wasn't until 1992 that Lewels' desire and sincere approach to ufology guided him to actually research the phenomena. His religious background targeted him towards theology within ufology by way of peculiar patterns of relationships he noticed between modern-day UFO-related happenings and early Christianity. Rev. Dr. Barry H. Downing's interpretation of the UFO phenomena and its curious parallels with theology coincides with Lewels' conclusion that our modern-day aliens are in fact history's ancient Gods as related in the Bible and other ancient sacred texts. Indeed, there are some quite stunning relationships between events, 'beings,' Gods and spiritual theme from ancient to modern day texts.

God Hypothesis: Extraterrestrial Life and Its Implications for Science and Religion, partly is Lewels' interpretation of his own personal spiritual transformation and ability to accept more than what is typified in mainstream consciousness. He describes his 'conscious' moments when he suddenly realizes there is something more out there than he had earlier perceived, and expresses his shock, joy and wonderment about the event. Lewels totally went through a positive transformation of his personal state of being, and his acceptance and tolerance of other realms--realms other than what he can perceive with his senses or rational mind. I am sure while on his earlier venture into the depths of ufology, and upon his startling realizations and memorable moments such as coming to terms with cattle mutilations and human abductions, he must have really freaked out. He speaks of aliens as possible angels to some, and to others, the Devil or Satan. He has a very strong religious scenario scoped out in his findings.

His overture is honest as he writes he reveals and shares his excitement and his naïve state of being as he reports on his newly found paradigm. I could picture him with compelling force running from UFO conference to conference and hanging out with 'select' speakers in hopes of hearing about the latest UFO happenings and related topics. In total fascination he details his search and writes about his understanding of the UFO phenomena and queer correlation's to specific biblical text and varied mythological legends.

Lewels presents images of ancient wisdom teachings and Bible stories to your mind. Who were the keepers of the tablets, and where were they really from? He discusses the problem with different modern languages translating the Bible and other Sacred Scrolls from the original ancient texts. He also presents important chronological historical theology and the differences between 'era'-related transcriptions and revisions of the Bible. I found this to be very interesting and it helped me understand certain changes within earlier civilizations' government and religious thoughts of the time. Lewels exposes the hypocrisy and manipulation of the sacred texts that induce major changes of consciousness and control of the majority of peoples throughout the world.

Lewels 'tracked' the UFO phenomenon accurately by passage of his own experience and understanding of it. His perspective is shared by many who pursue the obscure and mainstream UFO myths and beliefs. Like every true-blue UFO researcher, Lewels expanded his way of thinking into other possible realms of realities. He associated himself with the holographic-universe concept of Michael Talbot and recaptured moments of consciousness as related to modern-day quantum physics. He even goes into the Mars Mission, led by Richard Hoagland, which in earlier years investigated the notorious 'Face on Mars,' deemed by NASA as a "trick of light and shadow".

What impressed me most about Joe Lewels' God Hypothesis, was his strong conviction that 'we are all of the same reality.' I liked this idea for reasons of selflessness, goodness towards the whole and concern for future implications if 'humans can't get it together.' This is a very firm belief among many experiencers of 'worlds from beyond' and those who observe the holy phenomena daily amongst them.

God Hypothesis: Extraterrestrial Life and Its Implications for Science and Religion, is a very informative book encompassing many details about many synchronicities that relate to Biblical texts and modern UFO realities. Many readers who are new to this particular theory and diverse explanation of certain parts of human history will arrive at a newly found awareness of themselves and other realities. Dr. Lewels did a fine job of conveying his personal message. I consider The God Hypothesis good, inspirational and educational reading material.

5-0 out of 5 stars Changing paradigms
I have recently re-read my copy of "The God Hypothesis". Ihave been fascinated with the ongoing debate of UFO's and their 'reality' or non-reality. It seems to me, that the whole point of non ordinary experience, is to question the edges of our perceived borders. I found Dr. Lewels investigation thorough, and extensive, and extremely mind awakening. People who tend to have non-ordinary experiences have opened the edges of all of the boxes we seem to think we exist in. Changes can be uncomfortable, but perhaps it is about time that we looked at all of the experiences as a whole and listen to what the people experiencing them have to say. UFO's, Out of Body states, NDE's andShamanic visions all share an equal and important theme. That we are part of a much larger 'reality' than we have accepted until now, and that we need to be connected in all ways to the beautiful Earth we live with, as well asworlds that are not as apparently visable. I highly recommend this book as part of library of thought which needs desperately to be considered if ,we as a race, will continue to exist.

1-0 out of 5 stars Amusing, but one question remains.
Another in the growing universe of new age books proclaiming the aliensare gods, we are gods, everyone and their uncle Sydney is a god. Fine. It'san amusing and imaginative rendition of reality. But, as with all pseudoscience, science fiction and real science, we're left with one basicquestion: Where does it all begin?

If aliens seeded the planet, whoseeded the aliens? If a Big Bang created the Universe and all life in it,then how was the Big Bang created and what existed beforehand?

I canmake up stories, too. That doesn't mean I know what I'm talking about. Somethings are mysteries beyond human--and alien--imagination or the ability tocomprehend. Saying otherwise doesn't make it so.

It's a fun read if youlike science fiction, but given the option, I'll stick with God.

5-0 out of 5 stars Paradigm Shocker
Very informative.The author inserts his ideas based on the facts he presents, but his conclusions are hardly debatable.He changed my life.I especially enjoyed reading the author's thoughts on God.. both the OldTestament/Punishing and Cruel God, and the New Testament/Kind, ForgivingGod.He made a very good case that the Old and New Testament Gods couldvery well have been different.This man started off as a curious reporterand wound up a changed man and an author.The book changed my paradigm, soI have to say it is a MUST READ. ... Read more

78. Witnessed
by Budd Hopkins
Paperback: 400 Pages (1997-10-16)
list price: US$12.40
Isbn: 0747533415
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
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Product Description
In New York City, on 30 November 1989, at approximately 3:00 am, Linda Cortile, a married mother of two, was seen emerging from an apartment building window 12 storeys above the ground accompanied by three small alien figures. Suspended within a blue beam of light, Linda and her captors were lifted into a large reddish-orange glowing UFO, which then moved off in the direction of the Brooklyn Bridge. Several witnesses, including a world political leader, saw - and later independently corroborated - this event. It is the evidence of numerous and influential eyewitnesses to this abduction that shatters all previous patterns of UFO encounters. But when Linda Cortile first reported her abduction, Budd Hopkins, an authority in the field of UFO research, conducted a thorough investigation, including a hypnosis session, and concluded that there was nothing unique about the incident among the hundreds of abductees he studied.That assessment changed dramatically when Hopkins later received a letter in which two men, identified as New York City police officers, described sitting helplessly in a car under the FDR Drive and watching three "creatures" escort a woman into a reddish-organge glowing oval hovering in the sky. Hopkins sensed he was now on the verge of a major breakthrough in providing evidence of the reality of UFO abductions. Whatever the aliens' motives, the details of this case - from an inexplicable metallic object implanted in Linda's body to the independent witnesses and their verified accounts of the abduction - challenge all preconceptions about UFOs and alien abductions. Budd Hopkins is the author of "Missing Time" and "Intruders". ... Read more

Customer Reviews (36)

2-0 out of 5 stars Read at your own risk: Boring!
I've read a few Budd Hopkins books and thought they were pretty good.....until I read this one. I'm sorry; but I didn't believe a word of this book. Where other Hopkin's books are analytical and slightly scientific, this book has an air of a fictional novel, and it's as long as one too. For me, I'd say somewhere about 1/4 the way into the book I started to feel like I was reading a fictional novel, it just had that "feeling" or "effect" to me, the feeling you have when you know your reading a good or bad fictional novel. I found many annoying areas in the book as well, usually with two characters named "Dan" & "Richard." In the book they submit letters to Hopkins from time to time releasing more and more info, it just seemed all fake and the letters content were usually predictable, at least for me, I was on many occasions able to predict what these two characters were going to say before I even read the letters. The letters are released one at a time, over I believe; a few years, which is another way to just say "filler" material, giving length to this book, of course, then Hopkin's has to give you his analysis of each letter (which is fine) but he usually ends up quoting each letter, repeating again what you've already read. Space waster! Another annoying thing was that this "Dan" and "Richard" character kidnap the main character Linda, then say they are sorry for doing it and they won't do it again, then they kidnap Linda again, then apologize saying they wont do it again, repeat, repeat, repeat, ad nauseum! Some of the stuff that happened also I was not able to validate with news papers and etc, like cars mysteriously stalled on the brooklyn bridge, though this doesn't really mean much.
I won't give anymore of the story out, I felt what I have revealed to be necessary to explain the annoyances of this story.
Unless you are easy to please, I'd say the 1st half of the book is "just ok." After this it gets boring and repetitive. Around the time I was at 3/4 the way through I really wanted to stop reading it, and BADLY! However, I dislike starting a book to only not finish it, so I endured, reluctantly. All said and done, I found it over-all boring, seems like a well executed hoax to me, but then again; I don't know. Unless you just HAVE to have this type of material, I'd not recommend you buy it, but check it out free at your local library (like I did). Read at your own risk.

5-0 out of 5 stars Unforgettable!
I was hypnotized for abduction experiences years ago by a colleague of (and trained by) Budd Hopkins.It's very scary to realize that something of this magnitude that you had buried in your subconscious is actually true. The media and skeptics imply that some people who claim to have had abduction experiences are doing it for the attention, that it's a hoax, etc., but that could never be because no one wants to have gone through what I - or others I know who have had these experiences - went through. I could write here about the "proof" I had of my experience that goes beyond mere hypnosis, but I don't want to get too far from Budd's book.It's brilliant - terrifying - a page-turner.People have mentioned that Budd's book is scarier than any by Stephen King or Dean Koontz. Of course. Truth is always stranger than fiction. My question for Budd: you said you were going to present a sequel to "Witnessed," revealing, among other things, the name of the well-known world leader who was depicted as having viewed these events from his stalled limo on the Brooklyn Bridge.Where is it? I've been looking forward to it.

5-0 out of 5 stars Stunning and exciting
Though I've bought literally hundreds of books from Amazon, I've never felt compelled to review a book like I do this one.This is my first book review.As a skeptic, I left my mind open as I read, as you must on this subject.The book reads easily like fiction, and soon felt like a thriller.So if you are interested in learning about UFO's without wading through government documents and lots of names, this is the perfect read.You may remain skeptical and still enjoy this book.No one is asking you to believe.Even those involved in this encounter don't want to believe, so no one expects you to.This is much better than Steven King or Dean Koontz because there must be elements of truth.What's more scary than that?Enjoy, and don't try to hard to figure out the truth.

5-0 out of 5 stars entertaining,out there..........
I really don't know how to review this book.Bud seems like a good man to help Linda they way he does.This book is out there, but if you are an abductee, you know how strange reality really is.It is worth a reading.It will keep you wanting more.

4-0 out of 5 stars Witnessed: The True Story of the Brooklyn Bridge Abductions
Book Review
Witnessed: The True Story of the Brooklyn Bridge Abductions
Bud Hopkins
ISBN 0-671-57031-5

"I'm standing on nothing. My nightgown is above my head. I can see it..."

Linda Cortile, "under hypnotic regression"

On 30 November 1989 in the wee-hours of the morning, "Linda Cortile" was abducted form her 12 floor New York apartment.Transported by a blue beam of light, "Linda" and her three alien abductors exited through the closed window and safety screen into a hovering UFO outside.

What starts as a text-book UFO abduction takes an unexpected twist as details emerge indicating that "Linda" was not the only one abducted that morning.As Investigator and Author Bud Hopkins attempts to work this puzzle new leads evolve: the abduction of a political figure and the security detail, an attempt by unidentifiable men to abduct "Linda" and the near tragic result of her kidnapping.

Although several incidents depicted in the book sparked the skeptic in me, this book is consistent with the investigation techniques and proof-providing style of Bud Hopkins.
This story definitely adds a new twist to the alien agenda as well as the degree of impact our childhood imaginary friends may actually have on our lives.

... Read more

79. Anatomía Del Cuerpo Humano Gris: Anatomía Gris Edición española (Spanish Edition)
by Gregory O'Dell
Paperback: 72 Pages (2008-05-10)
list price: US$15.00 -- used & new: US$15.00
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1419694448
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
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Product Description
Anatomía del Cuerpo Humano Gris- un texto ilustatrivoque exporta más de 50 ilustraciones paranormales de gran calidad que incluyen fac¬símiles de la mente transpuesta en fotografías que sugieren una nueva manera de ver los fenónmenos de los OVNIS y los alieenígenas. La foto del autor con el centro de Lhasa Tibet como fondo en1991. Los escépticos pueden ver fotografías anormales en www.Linearism.org en la fecha de esta publicación.La experiencia alienígena en la habitacióncon “ grises”es una categoría de entidades de tipo multidimensional, o seresportandoalgunos o diferentes cuerpos que corresponden a las dimensiones desde las que operan. Estono quiere decir que los “grises “ son fantasmaso espirtus de alienígenas de esta categoríasino que son ciertamentelos intelectos más capaces de la física cuántica., o cualquier a otras ciencias incluyendo aqullas que van más allá de nuestras tecnologías más actuales. Los viajes Intergalácticos por medio de aeronaves, instrumentos u ondas no están por debajo ni más alláde sus capacidades. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (1)

5-0 out of 5 stars ¡maravillosa!
¡Recomendado muchisimo! Único, bien-investigado y un grande leído. Tiene ilustraciones maravillosas y imágenes 3D para ilustrar un concepto único que ata ambos del este y oeste. ¡Un buen libro del mesa de café para las conversaciones, mirará adelante al DVD de los caracteres en el futuro cercano! ... Read more

80. The Observational Traits of a Creature to Swim and Jump of Memory (The Emergence of Dolphin Man and the Decline of Wise Man)
by Christopher Alan Byrne
Kindle Edition: Pages (2010-10-03)
list price: US$9.99
Asin: B0046LV8MS
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Observational Traits is a volume to compare and contrast a basis of intelligence to be a name and identity verus variety of mental operation.Wise Man is contrast is contrast to persecute reasoning into a harm; such as to theorize a differing manner of an evolution.The parity is a rise of reaction formation and spiritual trait.The two theories of intelligence are described into a basis of society.The creature of Dolphin Man is thus a manner of a sentience to occur of a swim and calculation to the mind.It is a theoretical work, and format of a life magazine style of photographs; such as to defy an actual use of words. ... Read more

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